Ravings About Cravings

Are you a salty or a sweet person? Did you know that cravings are telling you about the balance in your body? What balance? The natural balance or ‘homeostasis’ that constantly works to keep you healthy. The body is self-healing and self-correcting and cravings are often a signal (or a scream!) that something is out of whack.


Types of Cravings

“I am constantly craving sugar!”

·      Sugar is the food for the creepy crawlers that patrol your digestive track. Too much sugar often causes bacterial overgrowth or ‘dysbiosis’ which drives further cravings. Try a probiotic and cut down on the sugar for 4 weeks.

·      Nutrient imbalances in protein, fat or carbohydrates can cause sugar cravings. This is because a dietary deficiency is interpreted by the system as just that – a deficiency! Because sugar is the quickest and most easy-to-grab fuel source, the body will send signals to fuel up…. With the wrong food! Find a good food tracking app and map out your macronutrients. Try to straighten the ship by balancing your diet.

·      When you feel anxious or depressed, the brain is also feeling your pain by secreting or not secreting the right type of neurochemicals. Serotonin is a type of neurochemical that can cause you to feel low. Sugar stimulates the natural production of serotonin – consuming sugar can make you feel better (temporarily). Try natural sources of carbohydrates in moderation like whole grains such as brown rice or buckwheat.


“Chips are my guilty pleasure. I love the salt!”

·      Salt cravings can be a sure sign of dehydration… chronic dehydration. When the body is low on fluids – it will also be low on electrolytes. The body is smart and will tell the brain it needs salt in the hope of getting some magnesium, potassium or other electrolytes along with it. Hydrate, at least 8 glasses a day of water, decaf tea, soup or smoothie.

·      Crazy but simple – sometimes you might just be deficient in salt. With the epidemic of hypertension and heart disease, salt has become a 4 letter word, leading many people to cut it out from the diet completely. But this is a mistake. Like everything balance is important. Add some sea salt back into your life.

·      Adrenal fatigue or complete exhaustion can drive salt cravings. Extreme fatigue can cause blood pressure to drop and a good dose of salt increases pressure inside the blood vessels which increases blood pressure. Salt cravings are often a good sign you need some R&R! Do some soul searching about what is draining your energy and make some changes.


“I’m really wanting a lot of fast food lately – French fries, burgers – that sort of thing”

·      Although fast foods are definitely high in sodium, this type of craving is often a sign of a diet deficient in fat. Healthy fats. Like olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds, fish, meat, cheese etc. The brain can’t function without fat and it will literally drive you to the closest source to protect itself. Half an avocado a day keeps the fast food away!


“Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate……”

·      Well….. there is the sugar thing. Read above.

·      Chocolate is a natural source of magnesium. Cramping muscles? Crazy workouts? High Stress? Poor sleep? Many things deplete magnesium. Do a google search for foods high in magnesium and integrate those into your life or take a supplement.


“I’m hungry all the time, for anything and everything – I am just craving food”

·      Low fibre diets can cause constipation but in some people, they can cause food to move through the digestive track a little too quick. Up your fruits and veggies or introduce a little dietary fibre through psyllium husk or crushed flax seed.

·      Fats send a signal to your brain of satiety or fullness. If you don’t have enough fat in your diet – your brain just won’t get that message until you are jammed so full of carbs you feel sick. Balance those carbs out with a little fat.

·      Boredom has a funny way of making people feel hungry. Check in with how you are feeling. Keep a food and mood journal. Learn to read the signals your body is sending and learn whether they are coming from the belly or the brain.

·      Dehydration sends mixed signals and can often tell the brain you are hungry instead of thirsty. Drink some water, take 5 (or 20!) and see if you are still hungry.


Remember, there are MANY types of cravings and many reasons why. The most important thing is that you can identify them and tune in to the language of the body. If it seems like your body is speaking a different language - come in for a naturopathic visit to help determine the cause.

Do you have a different raving (food) craving? Leave a comment after the blog!